Was sind die Merkmale der Arcade-Aktivitäten, die von den Spielern gemocht werden??

What are the characteristics of the Arkade activities that are liked by players?

Zuerst, Einfachheit ist das größte Prinzip. Je einfacher die Aktivitäten des Veranstaltungsortes, desto besser. Die Teilnahmebedingungen sind einfach und leicht zu spielen, Verbraucher sind leicht zu verstehen und zu akzeptieren.

Zweite, it is to give players tangible benefits. This is what more players want to know. All activities, are to let consumers clearly know that they have something to gain whether it is a gift or a special scenario, are different from everyday life, and can produce a sense of satisfaction and even superiority.

Dritte, a small event can give the winning players a sense of honor. It is also necessary to create enough atmosphere to reflect the difference of the winners.